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CrOS bashrc Override Framework

CrOS takes a portage-specific feature (profile.bashrc files) and extends it to distribute into per-package fragments. This can make for easier updates, delegation of maintenance (i.e. OWNERS), and cleaner separation of code.

Portage Profile Settings

Portage supports global profile.bashrc files that stack across profiles. These are bash scripts that are sourced before & after every ebuild phase, and are automatically loaded from the current board's set of profiles. The script can do pretty much anything: run arbitrary commands (patch or modify files, delete or create files, etc...), change environment variables, override shell functions, and more.

In practice, CrOS has only one of these files active: chromiumos-overlay/profiles/base/profile.bashrc

From a quick scan, one can see that it's already quite large. However, most people need not ever look at this file.

CrOS Per-package Overrides


Developers may create per-package bashrc overrides in the directory that corresponds to the package. For example, the sed package has a sys-apps/sed/sed.bashrc file that is loaded when emerging it.

NB: The file currently must live in chromiumos-overlay using the ${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${PN}.bashrc naming convention regardless of where the ebuild itself lives. This includes packages that live in portage-stable or in board overlays.

Coding Conventions

Code should be placed into functions to help keep organized, and to avoid running too much logic in global scope (which can slow things down).

The framework provides a naming policy for you to follow: cros_<pre|post>_${EBUILD_PHASE}_<unique name> The unique name should be fairly descriptive at a glance, both for humans, and to help minimize collisions.

For example, to run code after sed's src_prepare function, the sed.bashrc file defines cros_post_src_prepare_force_sandbox.


The bashrc file has access to all the same variables & functions that the ebuild it is overriding has access to. This makes sense as the code is literally sourced and executed inside the active shell environment.

This means standard ebuild variables are available, as are normal shell commands, and in src_install, ebuild install commands.

However, some global aspects cannot be overridden or extended. Most notably, the inherit statement (which imports eclasses) is unavailable. So if you need specific eclasses, see if the ebuild in question inherits it. If it doesn't, then you cannot access it, and it might be easier to open-code the logic.


The common framework will logic the name of each hook as it's run, so you don't have to emit any extra log details yourself if you don't want to.


Since these files are effectively Gentoo ebuilds, use Gentoo shell style. The biggest difference from the CrOS shell style guide is tabs instead of 2 spaces for indentation.


Although these use Gentoo ebuild code, cros lint's shellcheck integration doesn't currently detect them as such, so you might get a lot of warnings when using standard ebuild variables & APIs. You can safely ignore those for now.


Why does this exist at all?

Having bashrc fragments disconnected from the ebuild itself can significantly improve maintenance of upstream ebuilds. The portage-stable tree has a good flow where developers can blindly upgrade without reviewing the package's history to look for CrOS customizations. By keeping that logic in a separate file, the CrOS-specific overrides are quite clear.