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ChromeOS security review HOWTO

This document describes the ChromeOS security review process. It's aimed at feature owners, tech leads, and product managers.


The ChromeOS security review process' main goal is to ensure new features stay faithful to ChromeOS' security architecture. More details on what the review covers are described below in the review framework section, but at a high level the goal is to protect our users' data and devices. The security review process is designed to make sure that new features don't make it disproportionately easier for attackers to compromise user data or devices. In general, every ChromeOS feature requires a security review.

The security review process

ChromeOS development is structured around four-week cycles called milestones. Every four weeks a new release branch is created, based off our main development branch (also known as trunk or tip-of-tree). Accordingly, a new milestone is pushed to ChromeOS devices every four weeks. It takes seven to eight weeks from the time a branch is cut to the time a new software image built from that branch is pushed to devices on the stable channel.

A feature targeting a given milestone will be reviewed during that milestone's development cycle. The ChromeOS security team tracks features by looking at Launch bugs filed in As long as the feature has an associated launch bug, the security team will track it. The new launch bug template allows feature owners to initiate a security review by flipping the Launch-Security flag to ReviewRequested. The security team tracks this flag as well.

In order to streamline the process as much as possible, make sure that the launch bug links to a design doc that includes a section covering the security implications of the feature. The rest of this document describes what questions such a "Security considerations" section should answer and what concerns it should address.

Launch bugs include a set of cross-functional review flags, which includes the Launch-Security flag mentioned above. The security team will flip this flag to Approved after the feature owner has successfully engaged the security team to understand (and address or mitigate) the security implications of the feature. Don't think of the security review process as an arbitrary bar set by the security team that you have to pass no matter what. Instead, think of it as the process by which you take ownership of the security implications of the feature, so that you are shipping something that doesn't detract from the overall security posture of the product.

Even if you consider that the feature is trivial, or has no security implications, please refrain from flipping the security flag in the launch bug to NA or Approved yourself. In most cases, features are not as trivial as they initially appear. More importantly, the security team uses these flags to track features and work on our side. We will flip the security flag to Approved when the feature is ready.

Fast-track features will still require a full security review if the feature is modifying more than one component, where component can be understood as a single process or service. For example, if the feature is modifying two things that communicate over IPC, it would require a full security review. In other words, modifying a single component is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a feature to be fast-tracked from a security perspective. Many features that modify a single component are complex enough to require a full security review.

If the feature is big or complex, or if you find yourself implementing something that needs to go against the recommendations in this document, please reach out to the security team as soon as possible. Send email to, and try to include a design doc, even if it's just an early draft. When in doubt, just reach out. We are always happy to discuss feature design. You can also book office hours for any questions or discussions.

The ChromeOS security team will normally not look at the implementation details of a feature -- there is just not enough time to read through thousands of lines of code each milestone. Instead, we prefer to focus on ensuring that the design of the feature is contributing to, rather than detracting from, the overall security posture of the system. The reason for this is two-fold: first, the time constraints mentioned before. Second is the fact that even with careful review bugs will likely slip through, and a sound, defensive design will ensure that these bugs don't end up being catastrophic. For particularly risky code we can always contract out a security audit.

The expectation is that the feature will be security-complete (e.g. the new system service will be fully sandboxed) by the time the branch is cut. Merging CLs that implement security features to release branches is risky, so we avoid it.

If the feature is enabled by default, the security flag in the launch bug tracking the feature must be flipped before branch point. This means that all the relevant information (e.g. a design doc with a "Security considerations" section) must be available well before the branch is cut, to give time for the security team to review the feature and flip the flag before branch point.

If the feature is kept behind a flag, the security bit in the launch bug must be flipped before the flag is enabled by default. This means that the feature must be security-complete by the time the flag is enabled by default. Even in this case we strongly recommend tackling security work earlier rather than later. It's normally not possible to address security concerns in a feature that's complete without requiring costly refactoring or rearchitecting.

In general, a feature that properly addresses the questions and recommendations in this document can expect to have its security flag flipped by branch point.

Life of a security review

This section describes how we use launch bug labels to determine the status of a given launch bug and its progression through various states. It's useful context for feature owners to be able to request reviews and supply information properly and to clarify expectations on what should happen next at any point in time. Similarly, ChromeOS security team members find a detailed description of their role and responsibility in the review process:

  1. The process only kicks off once the Launch-Security flag set to ReviewRequested. If the feature isn't marked as such, it might not be ready for review. Feature owners are responsible for setting ReviewRequested and should make sure to supply a design doc with a "Security considerations" section before doing so.
  2. If the Launch-Security flag is set to ReviewRequested, the first thing the security reviewer will do is check for a design doc. If there isn't one, they will generally ask for one and flip the Launch-Security flag to NeedInfo. The feature owner should flip the flag back to ReviewRequested when the design doc is ready for review.
  3. If the design doc doesn't have a Security Considerations section, the security reviewer may ask for one. Offer a link to the review framework as a guide for how to write that section. Flip the Launch-Security flag to NeedInfo. The feature owner should flip the flag back to ReviewRequested when the design doc is ready for re-review.
  4. The security reviewer should use the review framework to evaluate if the feature is respecting security boundaries, handles sensitive data appropriately, etc. It's often also a good idea to consider existing features, in particular their security design and trade-off decisions made in previous reviews.
  5. If any security-relevant aspects are unclear or if there are concerns, the security reviewer should communicate this back to the feature owner via design doc comments and comment on the launch bug to clarify the security review status. Flip the Launch-Security flag back to NeedInfo.
  6. Security reviewers are encouraged to surface controversial design/implementation choices or aspects you're unsure about in the weekly ChromeOS security team meeting. This is useful so the rest of the team can suggest useful alternative angles and to provide historical context and high-level guidance on ChromeOS security philosophy.
  7. If necessary, the security reviewer and feature owner will iterate to resolve any questions or concerns. Use whatever means of communication seems most appropriate to make progress. For simple questions, document comments or email threads will work. For in-depth discussion of product requirements, design choices, and implications on security assessment, it's usually better to ask for a meeting. Note that it is generally the responsibility of the feature owner to drive the review process to a conclusion. However, the security reviewer should strive for clear communication on what remains to be addressed at any point in the process. As you have probably realized by now, the Launch-Security flag gets flipped between NeedInfo and ReviewRequested as the review progresses, always keeping track of who's responsible for the next action.
  8. We're aiming to acknowledge a ReviewRequested flag for the upcoming milestone within seven days. This doesn't mean the review needs to be completed in seven days. ReviewRequested means "the feature team has done everything they thought they had to, and now they need input from the security team". It doesn't mean "we solemnly swear the feature is 100% complete". Therefore, what we're aiming to do within seven days is to unblock the feature team by letting them know what the next step is. As explained in this list, the next step could be more documentation, or an updated or more robust implementation. In any of those cases, or if the feature is not really ready for review, flip the review flag to NeedInfo and explain what's missing.
  9. Once everything looks good, the security reviewer should flip the review flag to Approved and document conclusions and aspects that were specifically evaluated in the security review in a bug comment. The review framework section is useful to structure this. The information in the comment is intended for future reference when consulting previous security review decisions for guidance. Also, in case aspects of a feature are later found to cause security issues, it's useful to understand whether these aspects surfaced in the security review and the reasoning behind review conclusions. Note that the purpose is not to blame security reviewers in case they have missed problems, but to help our future selves understand how we can improve the process as needed (for example by adding specific items to watch out for to the review framework).
  10. In case the review reaches an impasse, the security reviewer shouldn't just flip the review flag to NotApproved as we're committed to engaging productively as much as we can. Instead, the current state of things should be surfaced and relevant leads be consulted to figure out a way forward.

Review framework - things to look at

Security boundaries

Does the feature poke holes in existing security boundaries? This is not a good idea. Existing boundaries include:

Are security boundaries still robust after the feature has been implemented? For example, a feature might be in theory respecting a boundary by implementing IPC, but if the IPC interface is designed so that the higher-privilege side implicitly trusts and blindly carries out what the lower-privileged side requests, then the security boundary has been weakened.

Does the feature require adding new boundaries? For example, ARC++ was a feature that required adding a new security boundary: the ARC++ container. A new security boundary, while sometimes necessary to restrict what untrusted code can do, also adds a layer that will need to be enforced and maintained going forward.


Untrusted input

Sensitive data

Attack surface

Implementation robustness



For features that are security-sensitive, strive to add metrics that allow tracking whether the feature is functioning as expected. You should be able to answer whether the expectations you had regarding the state or behavior of devices in the field were correct or not. For example:

The objective of this reporting is to identify blind spots in our security posture in the field. If a security-sensitive feature is failing, we should know about it. It's possible that we could learn about individual instances of the failure, maybe via bug reports, but without metrics we cannot find out about the extent of the problem.

UMA is the metrics infrastructure used in Chrome and ChromeOS. You can report metrics both from the Chrome browser and from system services.


Overall ChromeOS security architecture is inspired by a set of principles that help us make consistent decisions. They guide us towards solutions that achieve security trade-offs which make sense in the world our users live in. As part of the security review process, we evaluate whether new features strike the right balance with respect to our principles. This is not exact science - we often need to balance legitimate interest to add a new feature with slight deterioration of ChromeOS's overall adherence to the principles. In case of obvious conflicts, it is important though to explore whether the feature in question can be implemented in an alternative way that is more in line with the principles. If a better design is identified, please do make the effort to seriously consider it. Design improvements are a triple win: The feature team produces a shinier feature, users get something that works better, and the security team has fewer things to worry about.

These are our security principles: