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Best practices for writing Tast tests

How to dump the UI Tree when the test fails?


In order to interact with the UI during a Tast test, the first thing you’ll need to know is how UI Auto{.external} gets the internal representation of the UI. UI Auto proxies data through a Chrome extension that then uses chrome.automation. This is an API created for accessibility services, and therefore should be able to view and interact with the UI in the same way an end user would.

Logging the UI tree with s.Log(uiauto.RootDebugInfo(ctx, tconn)) is useful during development, but it has the standard problem of printf debugging where the content isn’t available when you aren’t actively working on it.


Adding the following line will store the UI tree when your test fails and is useful for almost any UI test. It will cause your test to create a file named “ui_tree.txt” any time your test fails, and can be used to debug the cause of the failure. The combination of this and the screenshot are the first place that you will look when debugging a failure through Testhaus.

defer faillog.DumpUITreeOnError(ctx, s.OutDir(), s.HasError, tconn)

Note: The ui_tree.txt file will not be created if your test test times out, but this can be managed with ctx.Shorten().


enabled_policy.go - ChromiumOS Code Search{.external}

    tconn, err := cr.TestAPIConn(ctx)
    defer faillog.DumpUITreeOnError(cleanupCtx, s.OutDir(), s.HasError, tconn)

    if err := policyutil.Refresh(ctx, tconn); err != nil {
        s.Fatal("Failed to update Chrome policies: ", err)
    if err := subTest.testFunc(ctx, cr, fdms, tconn); err != nil {
        s.Fatalf("Failed to run subtest %v: %v",, err)

How to reserve time for cleanup tasks?


It is important to ensure that your test cleans up properly and leaves the machine state as unchanged as possible. However, Tast does not automatically provide any buffer time after a test finishes to perform cleanup. Therefore, you need to reserve time to run those clean up tasks. Another use case is to reserve time to dump the UI tree on error as mentioned above.


Use ctxutil.Shorten() whenever you have a defer statement in your test.

The following is an example of how this API is used in practice. The original context is stored as cleanupCtx; this should be used in any defer statements. ctxutil.Shorten() is then given the original context and a time delta of 10 seconds, and returns a new context with a 10 second shorter timeout, as well as a function to cancel this timeout. Ctx should then be used as normal throughout the function, andcleanupCtx should be used in any defer statements for cleanup tasks.

    button := nodewith.Name("Continue").Role(role.Button)
    // Reserve time for cleanup.
    cleanupCtx := ctx
    // Creates a new context with a shorter timeout.
    ctx, cancel := ctxutil.Shorten(ctx, 10*time.Second)
    // ctx should then be used as normal throughout the function.
    defer cancel()

The name of this function can be a bit confusing since you usually are using it because you want more time to clean up. The testing context comes with a timeout value, and when this time has elapsed the test will fail and exit. Shorten will create a new context that has the timeout shortened by the time delta specified. When you use this new content during a test, when the timeout is reached you will then have the specified amount of time to perform cleanup tasks before the original context exits the test. This is useful for ensuring there is time to dump the UI tree, as well as perform any other cleanup tasks. Most state changes during a Tast test should come with a defer statement to clean them up. Any time you have a defer statement in your test, there is a good chance you should use Shorten. If you are not sure how long your cleanup functions will take, 10 seconds is a good default.


How to focus an element?


Focusing an element is one of the most common interaction you’ll need to do, although you don’t need to worry about setting focus when clicking a button. Some examples of when focusing a UI element is needed are:


There are two main functions you should use to focus elements:

Here is an example of how to focus an element. Similar to DoDefault(){.external}, in most cases you’ll just need to use it directly with nodewith{.external}.

    issueDescriptionInput := nodewith.Role(role.TextField).Ancestor(feedbackRootNode)
    if err := ui.EnsureFocused(issueDescriptionInput)(ctx); err != nil {
        s.Fatal("Failed to find the issue description text input: ", err)

In the above examples, we obtain the text field first, then focus on it.


How to wait for a transition?


A lot of UI tests will have multiple screens to pass through, and ensuring that the transitions occur correctly will help prevent your test from becoming flaky. Often there are intermediate animations or loading screens that need to complete before you can interact with the UI again. It can be tempting to just a testing.Sleep(), but sleeping in tests is both discouraged and fragile. Instead, we should use one of the APIs listed below that allow us to wait until a provided condition is satisfied.


There are three functions that can be used to handle most transitions.

In order to keep your test as stable as possible, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

Here is an example.

    // Verify essential elements exist in the share data page.
    title := nodewith.Name("Thanks for your feedback").Role(role.StaticText).Ancestor(
    newReportButton := nodewith.Name("Send new report").Role(role.Button).Ancestor(
    exploreAppLink := nodewith.NameContaining("Explore app").Role(role.Link).Ancestor(
    diagnosticsAppLink := nodewith.NameContaining("Diagnostics app").Role(role.Link).Ancestor(

    if err := uiauto.Combine("Verify essential elements exist",
    )(ctx); err != nil {
        s.Fatal("Failed to find element: ", err)


How to handle a dialog box stealing focus?


A common problem we’ve seen is tests failing due to unexpected dialog boxes appearing.


In most cases, a dialog box stealing focus from your test is a legitimate bug. Moving focus without an explicit user action is often a GAR issue, and will need to be resolved to maintain our GAR4 rating. As such, when this happens unexpectedly you should probably file a bug with the owner of the dialog. If you’re not sure who that is or aren’t certain it’s appropriate, please reach out to TORA council{.external} for advice!

There are many informative popups that you’ll encounter that should not interfere with your test, such as toasts and notifications. Using DoDefault() and the other functions discussed earlier should prevent these from interfering with your test. If they still cause test flakiness, this is a good indication that the end user will have a similar problem, so again it’s appropriate to file a bug.

Reducing external dependencies
