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Firmware / EC write protection

On customer-ship devices, read-only AP firmware and embedded controller firmware is write-protected. By design, this write protection cannot be removed without physical access to the device.

Application Processor (AP) Firmware

AP firmware (also known as "SOC firmware", "host firmware", "main firmware" or even "BIOS") typically resides on a SPI ROM. Protection registers on the SPI ROM are programmed to protect the read-only region, and these registers normally cannot be modified while the SPI ROM WP (write protect) pin is asserted. This pin is asserted through various physical means (see below), but with effort, users can unprotect devices they own.

Embedded Controller (EC) Firmware

The Chrome OS Embedded Controller (EC) typically has a WP input pin driven by the same hardware that generates SOC firmware write protect. While this pin is asserted, certain debug features (eg. arbitrary I2C access through host commands) are locked out. Some ECs load code from external storage, and for these ECs, RO protection works similar to SOC firmware RO protection (WP pin is asserted to EC SPI ROM). Other ECs use internal flash, and these ECs emulate SPI ROM protection registers, disabling write access to certain regions while the WP pin is asserted.

Methods of Asserting Write Protect

Throughout the history of Chrome OS devices, three main methods have been implemented for asserting (and removing) write protect:

More information about which protection method is used for a particular device, and where to locate the switch / screw, is available on the developer info page.

Disabling Write Protect for Screw / Switch Protection

  1. Disassemble the device, locate the WP screw / switch, and remove it.
  2. Reassemble the device, then boot to developer mode.
  3. To disable SOC firmware protection, run "flashrom -p host --wp-disable". To disable EC firmware protection (external storage), run "flashrom -p ec --wp-disable". It's not possible to disable EC firmware WP once enabled for ECs with internal storage. Instead, RO firmware must be reflashed while WP is deasserted. RO firmware will then be writable, regardless of the state of WP.
  4. Now that SPI / EC protection registers are cleared, the screw / switch can be re-inserted and the read-only region of SOC / EC firmware will remain writable.

Disabling Write Protect for cr50

If you have a suzyQ, you can disable write protect without opening the case. You can enable Case-Closed Debugging (CCD) and then use a cr50 console command to disable write protect. The write protect command is only accessible through suzyQ.

If you don't want to go through the ccd open process or don't have a suzyQ, you can open the case and remove the battery to disable write protect.

  1. Disassemble the device, locate the battery connector, remove the battery connector from the PCB to disconnect the battery.
  2. Reassemble the device, insert the original OEM charger (necessary since the battery is no longer providing power to the system), then boot to developer mode.
  3. See (3) above, commands to disable protection are identical.
  4. Disassemble, re-attach the battery, then reassemble.