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GS Offloader

The gs_offloader is a crucial part of the chrome os lab infrastructure as it is in charge of ensuring that the drones don't run out of disk space. When we run jobs on the drone, we store their job results on the drone and each one generates at least some amount of data. However due to the number of tests we run and the fact that crash logs can cause the amount of data to increase greatly, disk space on our drones can be eaten up rather quickly. But we can't simply delete the job results as we may need it in the future when bugs occur or we discover infrastructure problems.

gs_offloader solves this problem by running on its own on the drones and offloads the test result data to google storage for permanent storage. In a brief overview: gs_offloader monitors the results directory of tests and special tasks and for each folder in the results directory it checks if the corresponding job is completed. If so the gs_offloader will make system level calls to send this data to google storage. In general it will be using gsutil but rsyncing to another host is an option as well.

Originally, gs_offloader offloaded both the job results and the special task results within the same loop. It was found that we would frequently spend a while offloading special task results, which are quite small, while job results, which are much larger, would pile up. Thus, we could either try to prioritize directories by size, or just run two instances of gs_offloader, one for special tasks and one for job results. The latter is far simpler, so it's what we currently have. Thus, we run two copies of gs_offloader, and the code path for each is slightly different but follows the same type of logic.

The gs_offloader's main thread loops over the results directory and for each folder it uses the is_job_complete module to determine if it should offload the directory. is_job_complete makes an RPC call to check if that job has been marked as completed. If so the folder is queued up to be offloaded by the gs_offloader's offloading threads.

The actual offloading takes place as a system level call to gsutil. This means that the system runninggs_offloader needs its ~/.boto file setup correctly in order for it to work, as that's where the credentials to access google storage are held. The call follows the format of gsutil -m cp -eR -a project-private [folder to offloader] gs://chromeos-autotest-results/[folder to offloader relative path to results].

If offloading is going too slowly, (ie. nagios alerts are being sent out about the drives filling up, and the problem has been tracked down to there being too many job results stored locally) you can take advantage of the multi-threading by restarting gs_offloader to run with more offloading threads until most of the results are gone. By default, it only runs with one gsutil command at a time. This can be done by running sudo stop gs_offloader; sudo start gs_offloader PARALLELISM=5 to have gs_offloader have up to 5 parallel invocations of gsutil running at once.

Due to the fact that gsutil calls can hang for hours we have a built-in timeout of 3 hours. This timeout is implemented by surrounding the subprocess call we make to kick off gsutil with a SIGALRM timer. This works by setting the SIGALRM timer to 3 hours, kicking off gsutil with subprocess.Popen and then waiting on the kicked off process. If the timeout occurs before Popen returns then we know we hit a timeout and log the error and send out an email warning the lab team.

Since we always have the chance of the gsutil call failing we wanted to ensure we properly capture stdout and stderr for the process call. Therefore we redirect both to temp files in /tmp so if there is a failure we have the data and email it out. And if not we can simply delete it. The emailer code is the email_manager used by the scheduler in order to reduce the number of email clients we use for our team.

It's worthwhile to note that gs_offloader is designed to be an extremely long-running process. This means that it'll likely be subjected to, and should properly handle, unusual events such as the results database being truncated, cautotest or cautotest-mysql moving to a different host, or other services being down/unavailable. The term 'thread' has also been used here lightly, the current implementation actually uses a wrapper around multiprocessing in chromite to do the parallelism, as the SIGALRM timer doesn't play well with python threading.

In conclusion, the gs_offloader monitors our result repositories and sends the data to google storage for permanent storage. Without it our machines would fill up and the lab would go down making it a crucial piece of the lab infrastructure.