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The Chromium Projects

Pre-requirements of issue creation

Before filing an issue, please confirm you’ve completed actions below:

Your moblab is using recommended equipment. (

Update Moblab to latest version and powerwashed.

DUTs are loaded with test images.

Moblab and DUTs are in dev mode (able to enter VT2 by Ctrl-Alt-F2).

(Optional if Servo board is involved in test) DUT can reboot after
"dut-control warm_reset:on".

Please have all screenshots ready and rename to descriptions in bold.

Screenshot of Moblab admin ( [YOUR_MOBLAB_IP]/moblab_setup/#tab_id=config_Wizard )

Screenshot of Host List (if DUT state is concerned. [YOUR_MOBLAB_IP]/moblab_setup/#tab_id=dut_manage)

Screenshot of MobMonitor

Download Moblab logs via Mob*Monitor page by clicking "Collect Log"

Now you're ready to file issue.