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The Chromium Projects

Test Cases


  1. Please make sure that you are on the dev channel. We have recently refreshed the dev channel, so you will have to sign up for the dev channel once again. Instructions for joining the dev channel are here:
  2. Make sure you are running the latest version. You can find information about Google Chrome versions here:
  3. IMPORTANT: Before you begin testing, please set up a new profile. We strongly suggest that you use a separate profile folder for testing purposes so that the testing does not tamper with your existing profile and also to ensure all the volunteers are starting with a similar setup.
    1. You can clear the profile between tests, as described in the profile page.
    2. When you are done testing, you can edit the shortcut again to go back to your original profile.
  4. Please go through as many test cases as possible. Detailed description about the test cases is provided in the column on the left. Each test case should be answered with a 'Pass' or 'Fail'
  5. Please try and associate a failing test case with a bug. It could be an existing bug or a new issue. Please refer to bug reporting guidelines here: Use the 'Other' response field in the test cases to include the bug numbers.
  6. Please do not use this form to send us feature requests or information about unrelated crashes or bugs. Please file them directly on where they will be looked at along with other bugs.

Test cases

Test case: Default Browser (admin user)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: Make sure you are logged in with administrative privileges and Google Chrome is not your default browser.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Basic and click on 'Make Google Chrome my default browser'.
  • Verification: Go to Start -> Run and type and valid URL like '' in the run dialog. When you hit enter, it should be opened in a new Google Chrome window.

Test case: Default Browser (non-admin user)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: Make sure you are logged in without administrative privileges (limited user) and Google Chrome is not your default browser.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Basic and click on 'Make Google Chrome my default browser'.
  • Verification: Go to Start -> Run and type and valid URL like '' in the run dialog. When you hit enter, it should be opened in a new Google Chrome window.

Test case: Clear Browsing Data (time range 1-day)

  • Pre-conditons/setup: Start with a fresh Chrome profile. Browse to a few websites. Log on to your email account and choose to save passwords. Download a few files. This will help populate your cache, cookies, download history, etc.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Clear browsing data. Select all check boxes on the dialog, leave the time period as 'Last day' and click on 'Clear browsing data'.
  • Verification: All your recent browsing history should be cleared. Your history (Ctrl + H) and downloads (Ctrl + J) pages should not show up any entries for the current day. Your saved passwords under Chrome Menu -> Options -> Minor Tweaks -> Show saved passwords should be empty. There should be no cookies present under Chrome Menu -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Show cookies.

Test case: Clear Browsing Data (specific data types - cookies)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: Start with a fresh Chrome profile. Visit some websites such as,, etc. Log on to an email account (e.g. your GMail account). Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Show cookies and verify that cookies have been stored.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Clear browsing data. Select only the checkbox labeled cookies and click on 'Clear browsing data'.
  • Verification: There should be no cookies present under Chrome Menu -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Show cookies.

Test case: Find in Page (matches inside html pages, edit boxes, unicode text)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: None.
  • Navigate to a simple page such as Hit 'Ctrl + F' Search for the word 'chromium'.
  • Next, go to a website that has a text edit boxes (e.g. compose a message in GMail). Type the following text in that box: 'the quick brown fox quickly jumps over the lazy dog'. Hit Ctrl + F and enter the search text 'QUICK'.
  • Finally go to Bring up the find in page dialog and search for: 北美首頁.
  • Verification: In each of the cases mentioned above, the search should highlight every single occurrence of the search term in Yellow. The search box should show a count of the occurrences as well as the the occurrence it has currently focused on which is highlighted in Orange. You should be able to toggle between each of the highlighted search terms by clicking on the arrow icons in the find dialog or by using the keyboard (F3 and Shift+F3).

Test case: Tab dragging (screen edges)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: None.
  • When you drag a tab to certain positions on the monitor, a docking icon will appear. Release the mouse over the docking icon to have the tab snap to the docking position instead of being dropped at the same size as the original window.
  • Verification:
    • Monitor top: make the dropped tab maximized.
    • Monitor left/right: make the dropped tab full-height and half-width, aligned with the monitor edge.
    • Monitor bottom: make the dropped tab full-width and half-height, aligned with the bottom of the monitor.
    • Browser-window left/right: fit the browser window and the dropped tab side-by-side across the screen.
    • Browser-window bottom: fit the browser window and the dropped tab top-to-bottom across the screen.

Test case: Profiles (open a tab in new profile, create a new profile)

  • Pre-conditions/setup: Start with a clean profile. Browse to a few websites. Log on to your email account and choose to save passwords. Download a few files. This will help populate your cache, cookies, download history, etc in your current profile.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> New window in profile -> <New Profile>. Create a new profile and name it (e.g. 'work'). Leave the 'Create desktop shortcut...' box checked.
  • Verification: There should be a new shortcut on your desktop called 'Google Chrome for work' (or whatever profile name you choose). If you double click on that shortcut, it should launch a new instance of Google Chrome. This new instance should have an empty new tab page. The history should be empty and there should be no cookies present.

Test case: Auto scroll

  • Pre-conditions/setup: None.
  • Verification: On pages that have vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars, if you press the mouse scroll wheel (middle-click) auto-scroll should be enabled and the webpage should scroll as you move your mouse.

Test case: Downloads (download various types of file)

  • Pre-condition/setup: Start with a clean profile.
  • Download different types of files (various types of file formats and sizes). Note: please download files only from sources you trust.
  • Verification: The files should get successfully downloaded to the download location, which by default should be My Documents\Downloads. The download history page (Ctrl + J) should list all the downloads.

Test case: Downloads (change download location)

  • Pre-condition/setup: Start with a clean profile.
  • Go to Chrome Menu -> Options -> Minor Tweaks and change the download location to some other folder on your computer.
  • Verification: All subsequent downloads should get downloaded to the new download location.