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ChromeOS D-Bus Usage in Chrome

D-Bus is used to perform interprocess communication on ChromeOS. This document describes how to use D-Bus for communication between Chrome and system daemons.

See the D-Bus Best Practices document for high-level advice on using D-Bus. While that document focuses on how to use D-Bus within system daemons, much of it is relevant to Chrome as well.

Sharing constants

The system_api repository contains C++ constants and protocol buffer .proto files that are shared between Chrome and ChromeOS system daemons. This includes D-Bus service names, paths, and interfaces, signal and method names, and enum values that are passed as D-Bus arguments.

System daemons essentially always use the latest version of the repository, while Chrome uses the revision specified in src/DEPS. Exercise care when making use of new constants or removing deprecated constants. To create a change that updates the version used by Chrome to ToT, run roll-dep src/third_party/cros_system_api.

Creating Chrome D-Bus services

Receiving method calls or emitting signals requires registering a service. Chrome registers services using a variety of service names, including org.chromium.DisplayService and org.chromium.NetworkProxyService. Services implement the ash::CrosDBusService::ServiceProviderInterface interface.

Code location

The mus+ash project is separating Chrome's shell/window-management code (i.e. //ash) from its browser code (i.e. //chrome). If a service does not depend on any code under //chrome, its service provider class should live in ash/dbus and be instantiated by

Services with implementations that depend on //chrome should be implemented within chrome/browser/ash/dbus and instantiated by

Services provided by Lacros should be in chromeos/lacros/dbus.

Policy files

In order for Chrome to be able to take ownership of a service name and for other processes to be able to call its methods, each service also needs a .conf XML policy file in ash/dbus or chrome/browser/ash/dbus. Policy files are loaded by dbus-daemon (which implements the system bus) and specify which Unix users can own service names or call services' methods. Chrome's policy files are installed to /opt/google/chrome/dbus and must each be listed in the dbus_service_files target in ash/ or chrome/browser/chromeos/

See D-Bus Best Practices for more information about D-Bus permissions.

Using system daemons' D-Bus services

To call methods exported by system daemons or observe signals, Chrome uses Client classes located under chromeos/dbus. Ash specific clients are located under [chromeos/ash/components/dbus].

D-Bus clients for lacros is not recommended without a specific reason because lacros has version skews. You should consider to use crosapi so that ash proxies the D-Bus request.

Chrome's D-Bus-related code is not thread-safe and runs on the UI thread in the browser process.

System daemons must install their own D-Bus policy files granting send_destination privileges to the chronos user in order to receive method calls from Chrome. Search for "permissions" in D-Bus Best Practices for details.

Client classes are owned by chromeos::DBusClientCommon (instantiated in all processes) and chromeos::DBusClientsBrowser (instantiated only in the browser process), which are both owned by chromeos::DBusThreadManager. Client classes are currently accessed via the DBusThreadManager singleton.

When adding a new Client class, please follow the patterns used by the existing code:

Define real and fake implementations

For a service named "foo", define a FooClient interface in foo_client.h. In, declare and define a FooClientImpl class that implements the interface. Add fake_foo_client.h and files defining a FakeFooClient implementation that can be used in unit tests and when running a ChromeOS build of Chrome on a workstation where the system daemons aren't present.

Keep your ClientImpl class minimal

Ideally, client classes should only connect to signals, call methods, and serialize and deserialize D-Bus message arguments. The real implementations of client interfaces aren't exercised by unit tests, so keep your actual logic in the class that uses the client interface, where it can be tested using the fake client implementation.

More concretely, a Client interface should expose public methods with the same names as the corresponding D-Bus methods and optionally define a nested Observer interface that can be used to receive notifications about signals. FakeClientImpl can additionally expose setters that specify canned values to be returned by methods and NotifyObserversAboutSomeSignal methods that call a method on all observers to simulate the receipt of a signal.

If a D-Bus method takes a serialized protocol buffer as an argument, the client class's corresponding method should take a const reference to that protobuf as its argument (rather than individual args corresponding to the protobuf's fields). Observer interfaces and method callbacks should also take protobuf args when possible. Search for "complex messages" in D-Bus Best Practices for additional information.

Method calls must be asynchronous

Since a Client class's code runs on Chrome's UI thread, D-Bus method calls to system daemons (which may be otherwise occupied or even hanging) must be asynchronous. This may be accomplished with code similar to the following:

// foo_client.h:

#include "chromeos/dbus/method_call_status.h"

class FooClient {
  // Calls the daemon's GetSomeValue D-Bus method and asynchronously
  // invokes |callback| with the result.
  virtual void GetSomeValue(DBusMethodCallback<double> callback) = 0;


namespace {

// Handles responses to GetSomeValue method calls.
void OnGetSomeValue(DBusMethodCallback<double> callback,
                    dbus::Response* response) {
  if (!response) {
    // CallMethod() will already log an error if the method call fails.

  double value = 0.0;
  dbus::MessageReader reader(response);
  if (!reader.PopDouble(&value)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading response: " << response->ToString();

}  // namespace


void FooClientImpl::GetSomeValue(DBusMethodCallback<int> callback) override {
  dbus::MethodCall method_call(foo::kFooInterface, foo::kGetSomeValueMethod);
  foo_proxy_->CallMethod(&method_call, dbus::ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT,
                         base::BindOnce(&OnGetSomeValue, std::move(callback)));

When writing fake implementations of methods that receive and run callbacks, post the callback to the message loop instead of running it synchronously. This matches the calling pattern used in the real implementation, where replies from system daemons are received asynchronously.

Don't call services before they're available

Chrome is started in parallel with many system daemons, and your code may run before the daemon it wants to communicate with has exported its methods or taken ownership of its service name. If you immediately try to make a method call to the daemon, it's likely to fail and log annoying, unactionable errors to Chrome's log file. To avoid this unsightly gaffe, add a WaitForServiceToBeAvailable method to the Client interface that callers can use to defer their method calls until the daemon is ready. See some of the existing Client classes, e.g. chromeos::CryptohomeClient or `chromeos::DebugDaemonClient, for examples of this.

Sharing state between processes

If you have state shared between Chrome and a system daemon, you'll need to think about how you'll get both processes back into sync when one of them restarts or when one of them starts before the other is ready.

System daemon restarts

While it's usually not expected, the system daemon that you're communicating with may restart while the system is running. This can happen if the daemon crashes, of course, but it can also happen when a developer pushes a new version of the daemon to their development device. To handle this case, you can call dbus::ObjectProxy::SetNameOwnerChangedCallback in your ClientImpl class and notify observers when you see a non-empty "new owner" for the daemon's service name. See chromeos::PowerManagerClient for an example of this.

Chrome restarts

Chrome restarts are more common. Crashes happen, but Chrome is also intentionally restarted when a user logs out and sometimes even when a user logs in (to pick up changes to chrome://flags). System daemons can use the same SetNameOwnerChangedCallback technique described above to learn about Chrome restarts (using the relevant Chrome D-Bus service name).

If Chrome tracks your daemon's state by observing its D-Bus signals, you may need to provide a method that Chrome can call when it starts or restarts to get the correct initial state from the daemon.