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ChromiumOS Archive Mirrors

The ChromiumOS project maintains a number of mirrors of archives. We do this to provide stability to our build system: if an upstream project deleted or modified a tarball on their website, we don't want that breaking all of our builders, especially for older branches. Unfortunately, this happens all the time, so ChromiumOS has to isolate itself.


No package may be added to any overlay if the artifacts (tarballs, etc...) are not cached on one of ChromiumOS's existing mirrors. In other words, all files must be copied to a Google Storage (GS) bucket that we maintain.

Which mirror, and whether developers have to copy files manually, is where it gets a bit tricky.

As a general guideline, ebuilds in public overlays may only use public mirrors and must never refer to private overlays. Ebuilds in private overlays may use both public and private mirrors.

Once an ebuild has been merged into the tree, any files it refers to in SRC_URI must never be changed. Even if you found a bug in the archive and want to fix it, you cannot modify the file in place. Instead, you must create a new file using a new name and update the ebuild to refer to that new artifact. Any modifications to files that the system is already using will break the build immediately.

Filenames on mirrors must be globally unique. That means you must never use generic names like files.tar.xz. Even if the full source URI is unique (e.g. https://foo/file.tar and https://foo/file.tar), the full URI is stripped off when mirroring. See the Custom Naming section for more details.

The base part of the name (e.g. files) must be fairly unique to the package or project you're working on, and must include version information at all times. So some-project-0.0.1.tar.xz is OK assuming some-project isn't a generic name all by itself. See the Custom Naming section for more details.

When putting version information into the file, the revision field must never be included. See the Custom Naming section for more details.

Binaries must not be saved directly in ebuild repos, and rarely should they be saved directly in other repos (although there are a few exceptions like the linux-firmware repo). Once a file is added to the git history, it's in there forever, so even if it's deleted in a subsequent commit, it still lives on in the .git/ directory. Over time, these files add up (even if they're "small" <10k) and slow down the build system for developers and bots. Also note, just because a file has been encoded in a plain text format (e.g. hex or base64 encoded) does not make it not a "binary". It's still a standalone blob that is copied from one place to another. See the Custom Artifacts section for more details.

Mirror overview

We have a number of possible GS buckets we may utilize depending on where the artifact is coming from and whether it should be publicly accessible.

Public mirrors

These mirrors are accessible to the world without authentication.

Private mirrors

These mirrors are entirely accessible to Googlers and on a per-file basis to partners (working on specific projects).

Gentoo mirror

Most ebuilds, especially open source ones, will use this mirror since most ebuilds come directly from Gentoo.

The gs://chromeos-mirror/gentoo/ mirror is automatically kept in sync with Gentoo's distfiles mirrors. Developers do not need to upload files here themselves.

If there are files missing from this directory, it implies there's a bug in our infrastructure pipeline that needs to be fixed (the DupIt builder), so please file a bug for the Build team to look into. People should not try to upload files to the localmirror bucket instead to workaround bugs, or as a replacement for chromeos-mirror.

Other buckets

Only the buckets documented above may be used by ebuilds to fetch archives. The CrOS project has many other GS buckets, but they're not for ebuilds.

See the gsutil documentation for more details.

Ebuild integration

Our build environment enforces fetching only from CrOS's GS mirrors rather than pulling from the URI's listed in SRC_URI. The reason for this is covered in the intro of this document.

We force these Portage settings in the make.conf & make.defaults files:

SRC_URI setting

Ebuilds should continue to use normal SRC_URI settings and point to the upstream site rather than change to refer to our mirrors directly. The only time ebuilds point to our mirrors is when the archives are available on one of our localmirrors (because we created them).

Each element in SRC_URI has two basic forms:

In both cases, foo-1.tar.bz2 is the name used on the mirrors and when the file is saved locally in the distfiles cache. The fact that the second form uses https://some-site/foo and the upstream remote names it foo doesn't matter.

Updating Manifest files

Every package needs a Manifest file which contains metadata (hashes/sizes) about every file downloaded from the network. This makes sure that files aren't corrupted (on purpose or by accident). Portage downloads files to a local directory, and then checks the metadata every time it unpacks things.

When updating packages from Gentoo (e.g. using cros_portage_upgrade), the Manifest file is updated for you automatically.

When updating packages manually, or creating new ones, you're on the hook for creating/updating the file. The ebuild command is used to manage the file for you.

$ ebuild <path/to/the/package.ebuild> manifest
>>> Downloading ...many URIs...
...curl/wget/gsutil fetch output...
>>> Creating Manifest for /path/to/the/package

The number of Downloading lines will vary based on how many files are listed in the SRC_URI, and how many files have already been cached locally. Don't be surprised if running the ebuild command multiple times only shows the final Creating Manifest line.

If the file doesn't yet exist on our mirrors, and it hasn't been download locally, you'll probably see errors like !!! Couldn't download 'xxx'.. There's a few different ways to address this (any one of the following works).

Regardless of how the initial Manifest is generated, you're responsible for double checking the integrity of the archive before uploading it to one of the localmirror buckets (assuming you need to do so).

Unpacking artifacts

You should never run tar or unzip yourself in ebuilds to unpack artifacts. Instead, use Portage's unpack helper. This makes sure the unpacked files have correct ownership and permissions.

By default, all artifacts listed in SRC_URI are unpacked during src_unpack. But that's not a hard requirement -- you can unpack archives during any source phase like src_install. This way you could unpack things directly into the $D install path. However, it's pretty rare to use unpack outside of the src_unpack or src_install steps, so you'll want to double check if you are.

The unpack tool will operate on basenames of files or relative paths. You never want to pass it full paths (like ${DISTDIR}/xxx).

Here's some common examples.

# This is the default ebuild behavior.  You don't normally write this unless
# you have extra stuff to do in the unpack phase.
src_unpack() {
    unpack more things...

# In newer EAPI's, the `default` function will call `unpack` for you.
src_unpack() {
    default more things...
# If you want to unpack downloaded files by name into different places.
src_unpack() {
    unpack "${P}.tar.gz"
    cd "${S}"
    unpack "${P}-extra.tar.gz"
# If you want to unpack nested files.
src_unpack() {
    # This first archive has a "data.tar" inside of it.
    unpack "${P}.tar.gz"
    # Using the ./ prefix is required.
    unpack ./data.tar
# If you want to unpack files with different suffixes.
src_unpack() {
    ln -s "${DISTDIR}/${P}.bad.extension" data.tar
    unpack ./data.tar
    rm -f data.tar
# If you want to unpack files directly during src_install.
src_unpack() {
    # Disable unpacking since we don't have anything to compile.

src_install() {
    # Unpack the files directly into the install path.
    dodir /opt/foo
    cd "${D}/opt/foo" || die
    unpack "${P}.tar.gz"

Overlays vs mirrors

If an artifact is only available on an internal mirror (e.g. it's stored on chromeos-localmirror-private), then the ebuild that uses that artifact must be in a non-public overlay, even if we believe the ebuild itself contains no secrets. For example, no ebuild in chromiumos-overlay or src/overlays/ may refer to chromeos-localmirror-private. This makes it easier to reason about the overall system, and helps prevent breaking public builds -- adding dependencies on internal packages is much harder to do, and our public builders can catch that early on.

However, ebuilds in internal overlays may freely refer to both internal and public mirrors. This comes up when creating internal board-specific forks of public packages.

Internal mirrors

You might have noticed that our settings thus far only search public mirrors. Since portage doesn't have a way of tweaking the mirror lists on a per-overlay basis, we have to default only to the public mirrors. That means for internal mirrors, ebuilds have to explicitly list them in their SRC_URI setting and disable the mirror overrides.

For example, if you wanted to use chromeos-localmirror-private, you'd write:


This tells portage to only fetch from the URI's listed in SRC_URI and ignore the default list of mirrors. This setting is valid only when using an internal mirror. Ebuilds must never use mirror while pointing to external sites.

CPFE & gs://chromeos-binaries/

Usually ebuilds that use CPFE will use the cros-cpfe.eclass in order to populate SRC_URI with the correct settings. Please see that eclass directly for more details.

Custom artifact guidelines

If you do have to create your own tarball for ebuilds, please follow these guidelines to make sure everything works correctly.


When uploading a new artifact to the mirror, make sure it has a unique name. This is usually accomplished using the basename form <project>-<version> or <project>-<some unique word>-<version>.

Remember that <version> is 0.0.1 and not 0.0.1-r12 (i.e. it must not include the revision number). The revision field is reserved for changes in the ebuild itself and not for changes in the artifacts it uses from SRC_URI. That means you want to stick to ${P} and ${PV} in the SRC_URI, and never use ${PF} or ${PVR}. If you want to make a change to the tarballs, then increase ${PV} in some way like 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2 or adding a suffix like 0.0.1_p1.

This name must be unique across all ebuilds and projects, so even if the name is unique within the scope of one project, it might not be unique enough! Mirrors merge all the archives from all ebuilds into a single flat directory, both on remote mirrors, and in local directory caches.

Archive format and compression

You should create tarballs using xz compression.

Everyone understands tarballs, how to work with them (and is the standard format in the open source world), and everyone has tar installed. Do not use zip or rar or cpio any other random format unless you have a very explicit (and good) reason to do so.

We use xz compression because it provides the best compression ratios, and that matters way more when we store & decompress the archives way more frequently. Again, do not use any other compression format unless you have a very explicit (and good) reason to do so.

The default xz utility is single threaded and can be quite slow, so make sure you install a parallel implementation to speed everything up. We recommend pixz as it's in the CrOS SDK and can easily be installed in most distros (e.g. sudo apt-get install pixz).

Source layout

The input files should always be under a unique directory name and not just in ./ or similarly generic name. Otherwise if you unpack multiple archives in a single ebuild, things can easily collide and require manual code in the ebuild to workaround it.

The directory name itself should match the tarball name. So if the filename is some-project-0.0.1.tar.xz, then all the files in the tarball should be under the some-project-0.0.1/ directory.

If you are using an existing tarball from an external website, do not modify the source layout. If the files are not under a directory named some-project-0.0.1/ you can optionally set the ebuild variable S to retrieve them from their actual location during the build.

Creating the tarball

Here is some simple boiler plate commands to do all of this:

$ rm -rf some-project-0.0.1/
$ mkdir some-project-0.0.1/
$ cp <all the files you want> some-project-0.0.1/
# If you don't have pixz installed, then you can safely drop the -Ipixz option.
$ tar -Ipixz -cf some-project-0.0.1.tar.xz some-project-0.0.1/

Now the some-project-0.0.1.tar.xz file is reading for upload.

Updating localmirror & localmirror-private

*** note As a reminder, once a file has been uploaded to either of these GS mirrors and an ebuild starts referring to it, you must never change it. If you do change the file in place, you will break the builders immediately.

*** note The chromeos-localmirror-private bucket is only for internal binaries. Never mark a binary here as "Share publicly" or using "public-read" ACLs.

*** note The localmirror buckets are not a replacement for chromeos-mirror. If a package is in upstream Gentoo, but the file isn't automatically mirrored on the chromeos-mirror, then please file a bug for the Build team.

You should have the artifact ready to upload at this point. If you still need to create the artifact yourself, see the Custom Artifacts section for more details first.

Getting files onto localmirror

You can upload files using GS's web interface, or via the command line using the gsutil tool.

In both cases, you'll need to authenticate using your account.

Web interface

To upload a file and make it immediately available, go to:

You should be looking at the main mirror directory at this point. You can use the Upload files button, or drag & drop it from a local folder.

Finally, make it publicly visible by doing:

Command line interface

If you're comfortable using gsutil, this step is a bit easier. However, it can be easy to typo the command, so double check things before actually uploading files.

$ gsutil cp -n -a public-read <local filename> gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/<remote filename>

If you've already uploaded the file and forgot to set the ACLs, you can recover with the acl subcommand.

$ gsutil acl set public-read gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/<remote filename>

Verify usability

Once the file is uploaded, you can try downloading it anonymously:

$ wget<filename>

Getting files onto localmirror-private

The flow for localmirror-private is the same as localmirror, except we don't use public ACLs.

Web interface

To upload a file and make it immediately available, go to:

You should be looking at the main mirror directory at this point. You can use the Upload files button, or drag & drop it from a local folder.

The default ACLs are fine, so don't try to change them.

Command line interface

If you're comfortable using gsutil, this step is a bit easier. However, it can be easy to typo the command, so double check things before actually uploading files.

Remember: only use project-private ACLs here and never public-read.

$ gsutil cp -n -a project-private <local filename> gs://chromeos-localmirror-private/distfiles/<remote filename>

If you've already uploaded the file and forgot to set the ACLs, you can recover with the acl subcommand.

$ gsutil acl set project-private gs://chromeos-localmirror-private/distfiles/<remote filename>

Verify usability

Once the file is uploaded, you'll need to use gsutil to try downloading it.

$ gsutil cp gs://chromeos-localmirror-private/distfiles/<filename> ./


It's extremely rare for people to want to use subdirectories for files, especially under the distfiles/ path.

If you're worried about file name conflicts, using a subdirectory won't help. See the Custom Naming section for details.

If you really feel like using a subdirectory makes sense, and you aren't going to use the files in ebuilds, then post your query on one of the development mailing lists.

Security for archive mirror GS buckets

Googlers have write permissions to the GS buckets that act as our archive mirrors and can write files to paths that do not already exist, but cannot delete or overwrite files. This is implemented by granting the Storage Object Creator and Storage Object Viewer roles, which allow storage.objects.create but not storage.objects.delete privileges.

Even if a file were to be overwritten with different (possibly malicious) content despite these permissions, ChromiumOS builds would not use the new content. Every package has a Manifest file which is committed (after review) to git, and those files keep track of hashes and file sizes.

If mirrored content is replaced with new content, our builders would automatically detect and reject those attempts because the hashes and file sizes would not match the manifest. This is true whether the change is inadvertent or malicious.

We also enable Object Versioning in these buckets in case someone accidentally overwrites files, so we can recover the old version easily.


As a non-Googler (e.g. partner), how do I get files onto the mirrors?

If you're working on a package from Gentoo, then the file should already be on our Gentoo mirror already. See that section for more details.

If you're working on a custom package (e.g. a new package on GitHub), then you'll need to coordinate with a Googler to get all necessary files uploaded. Just point them to this document :).

Usually the Googler reviewing your CL on Gerrit would be the best contact.

Can I upload files to chromeos-localmirror-private partners sent me?

Please do not upload files directly a partner has e-mailed or shared privately with you (e.g. via Google Drive), especially for firmware blobs. The only time you may do this is if it's extremely clear what license it uses, and that license freely allows for redistribution.

Instead, ask the partner to use CPFE to share the file with us. This takes care of a lot of the messy licensing issues.

Even better would be to have the partner share the file publicly using a good open source license (e.g. a BSD license). If the file is a firmware blob that has corresponding Linux device drivers, then the upstream linux-firmware repository is a great place to host things.

If you're still unsure, feel free to reach out to one of the development lists for advice.

Isn't it a security risk for Googlers to have write access to GS buckets?

In short, no.

These buckets used to be writable by all Googlers, so it was previously possible for an insider to attempt to replace content in these mirrors with malicious code, though security features documented in the Security for archive mirror GS buckets section would have mitigated any impact. We've now eliminated the ability of Googlers to delete or overwrite content in the mirror buckets, so this remains a non-issue.